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FACTBOX: What is known about shooting at Wildberries office in central Moscow

MOSCOW, September 18. /TASS/. The shooting took place at the entrance to the office of Russian online retailer Wildberries in central Moscow, representatives of the emergency services told TASS.
According to preliminary data, one person died and two were injured. Earlier, the press service of the joint company of Wildberries and Russ told TASS that the co-owner of the online retailer Vladislav Bakalchuk tried to enter the office with security.
TASS has assembled the main facts about the situation.
– The shooting took place at the entrance to the Wildberries office in the Romanov Dvor business center, the emergency services told TASS.
– Police are working at the scene, the area has been cordoned off.
– According to law enforcement agencies, a group of 20-30 men began to break glass at the entrance to the business center. In response, gunfire ensued.
– Students of the journalism department of the Moscow State University, located next to the business center, are not allowed to leave the building for security reasons. The faculty’s press service reported that classes are being held as usual.
– The press service of the joint company Wildberries and Russ told TASS that co-owner of the online retailer Vladislav Bakalchuk tried to break into the company’s office with security.
– Wildberries founder Tatyana Bakalchuk asked law enforcement agencies to take control of the situation with the attempted break-in into the online retailer’s offices.
– She called the situation “an unsuccessful attempt at a hostile takeover.”
– Several people were detained, law enforcement agencies told TASS.
– All of them were taken to the Arbat District Department of Internal Affairs.
– The Investigative Committee has begun to investigate the circumstances of the shooting. The scene is being inspected.
– Law enforcement agencies reported that as a result of the incident, according to preliminary data, one person died and two were injured.
– In mid-June, Wildberries announced that the marketplace and outdoor advertising operator Russ were merging to jointly create a new digital trading platform.
– Vladislav Bakalchuk opposed this deal.
– He owns 1% of Wildberries LLC, the remaining 99% are owned by his wife Tatyana Bakalchuk, who is the founder of Wildberries.
– Amid these reports the press services of Wildberries and Russ stated that the merged company continues to operate as usual, all obligations are being fulfilled in full.
– Tatyana Bakalchuk filed a lawsuit for divorce from Vladislav Bakalchuk on July 30.
